Tour of France of the craft industry

To identify the artisans and artists, there is nothing better than to go and meet them.

Stéphanie de Surmont is doing a Tour de France since March 2021. 

Follow her Tour of France on Instagram @stephaniedesurmont and her bi-monthly newsletter

You'll smile again, discover nuggets and travel in France. Share with your friends interior designers, buyers, stores, hotels, restaurants! 

Let's be proud of our French talents!

Carte de France avec mise en valeur de la Charente

After 25 years in Fashion and Luxury, 

to travel the world, 

To work for companies concerned with satisfying their shareholders, 

Companies concerned with embellishing the product, 

Communication, merchandising and show pros… 

Luxury pros. 

Luxury has a different meaning for her. 

Luxury is the French object, 

Designed and made by a craftsman, 

who inherited an ancestral know-how, 

who studied in the most beautiful schools of art or crafts in France, 

a craftsman who has a true story to tell, 

A family story, 

an inspiration, 

a universe, 

personal development, 

a talent for transforming matter, 

strong attention to quality, 

an obsession with eco-responsibility. 

And yes, for Stéphanie, Luxury is having access to these rare objects that make sense. 

And the meaning, Stéphanie encounters it late but has every intention of keeping it and cherishing it. 

And to give even more meaning to this project, 

It carries out a Tour de France of Craftsmanship to meet these talents, 

to discover unique know-how, 

an immense heritage, 

a way of life envied all over the world, 

… she wants to share this adventure with you.

For professionals, there is no lack of desire to buy French and responsible. But if we don't talk about it, how can we get information, exchange and find the paths that lead to the secure sites of artists and craftsmen? It is high time to put all these talents on the same Premium B to B platform registered in France. www.stephaniedesurmont.comluxury craftsmanship is: All with our craftsmen!

Illustration de Stéphanie

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